Briar Valley Sim Game was originally created by Impy, way back in 2011.
Codes & plugins used to build this forum are credited to their original owners at PB Support, Adoxography, Slightly Insane, and other PB resource sites.
Theme/skin was created by the staff of BVSG and is not to be recreated/used elsewhere (the DAY AND KNIGHT skin was created originally by Impy for her other site, but modified for BVSG).
Thank you!
Setting out to view his realm, Baird and his wife Queen Cecily are making a Grand Progress south towards their newly acquired lands. Play as a recently conquered Barzunni or victorious Tortallan, their worlds now forever linked.
Eastern Lands is an late medieval fantasy roleplay dedicated to being a friendly and creative community. Set in Tamora Pierce's world of Tortall over a hundred years before The Song of the Lioness. Easy to integrate, we require no previous knowledge of the books. We're a small but dedicated community with a low word count.